Leave a gift in your Will

You can help provide kinder and more effective treatments for leukaemia in the future, by leaving a gift in your Will today. Find out why leaving a legacy is so important to living with leukaemia.

Request your free guide to leaving a gift in your Will 

Fill in our hassle-free form below and we will send you a free guide about how to leave a gift in your Will.

Why leave a gift in your Will?

Like many of us in the leukaemia community – scientists, researchers, health professionals, patients, and families – you may have personal experience of blood cancer.

The very nature of leukaemia can make you feel helpless and angry. It’s in our blood and bone marrow, making it hard to detect and diagnosis is often too late, with painful treatments and a devastatingly low survival rate. But there is a way to turn your anger and helplessness into something positive – to build a future where the people we love need not fear leukaemia as we do today.

By leaving a gift in your Will to Leukaemia UK, you will help fund research that could lead to incredible breakthroughs, which will then be turned into faster diagnosis and better, kinder treatments.

Your gift will save more lives for many future generations of our families. Amazing, isn’t it? That you can leave a gift in your Will – any size, big or small – and it can change the lives of people who will be diagnosed with leukaemia in the future. Together, we can leave our loved ones a future without fear of leukaemia.

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How to leave a gift in your Will

We would always advise you to use a solicitor or professional will writing service to prepare your Will. If you are in England and Wales you can find details of local solicitors on the Law Society website: Find a Solicitor – The Law Society. For Scotland, visit the Law Society of Scotland.

Free Wills

Leukaemia UK also work in partnership with the National Free Wills Network and Farewill to offer a Free Wills service to our supporters.

This is a service we pay a small fee to use, but while there is no obligation to include us in your Free Will, we hope you see it as a way to support us long into the future. If you have any questions, please contact us at wills@leukaemiauk.org.uk.

national free wills

Free Wills network

Will put you in touch with a local solicitor to help you make or amend a simple Will at no cost. Any gift that you choose make to Leukaemia UK, large or small, will make a big difference to help us fund ground-breaking research and care into leukaemia and blood cancers in the UK.

To use the Free Wills Network simply email wills@leukaemiauk.org.uk  or call us on +44 (0)20 8189 9878.


Write a simple Will online in the comfort of your own home in 30 minutes, with live expert support by online chat or phone call. This service is currently available for residents of England and Wales. Just visit farewill.com/luk-legacy You will be asked to fill in a questionnaire that should take no longer than 30 minutes. Once submitted, the Will is then checked by a Will expert. Once your Will is approved, you’ll need to print it and sign it. Please ensure you have two witnesses as they will also need to sign the Will. Keep it safe and please let your executors know where it is.

Please note, this service is only suitable for simple Wills and will be looked at by trained advisors.

To get your free Will go to farewill.com/luk-legacy and the code LUK-Legacy will pre-populate at checkout. If you have not used the link, just use our code LUK-Legacy (not cap sensitive) at the checkout.

Types of gifts in Wills

The main types of gifts you may choose to leave are:

A residuary gift

This is a percentage of your whole estate. The benefit of a residuary gift is that, although the value of your estate will change over time, all your beneficiaries will receive the proportion of the estate you intend. It also means you can be confident the total value of all the gifts you are leaving is not greater than the value of your estate.

A pecuniary gift

This is a fixed sum of money.


A specific gift can be a particular object of monetary value, such as a piece of jewellery or antiques collection.

Charity Name: Leukaemia UK

Address: Leukaemia UK, 26 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5BL

Charity number: (Registered as a charity in England and Wales) 1154856

If you have already included a gift in your Will for Leukaemia UK, we are extremely grateful for your generosity. We’d really like the opportunity to thank you personally and keep you up to date with advances our research is making. You can let us know by writing to us at Leukaemia UK, 26 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5BL

or email  wills@leukaemiauk.org.uk. We understand you can of course change your mind at any time.

Writing a Will is not dependent on your age. Ideally, you should write a Will before or just after key milestones in your life, such as if you get married, have children, buy a house or enter a civil partnership. 

It’s always worth being proactive with your Will. This is so you can ensure your legacy goes to those who you cherish most. You may also choose to leave money to a charity, or a cause close to your heart. 

You can make edits to your Will. However, any changes must be an official alteration and witnessed. To make major edits, you will need to make a new Will and your previous Will, plus any codicils must be revoked (cancelled). You should destroy your old Will so it’s not confused with your new one.   

A gift in your Will to Leukaemia UK isn’t subject to inheritance tax. This may save tax that your estate would otherwise have to pay. If you give more than 10% of your estate to charity, a reduced rate of 36%* IHT will apply rather than the rate of 40%. However, it depends on circumstances so we recommend speaking to a professional. Further information can be found at www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax.

Contact us

Our legacy giving team is here to assist with any questions or queries you may have about leaving a gift in your Will to Leukaemia UK. You can reach us on  +44 (0)20 8189 9878 or by emailing wills@leukaemiauk.org.uk.