Contact us

Get in touch with the Leukaemia UK team

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By phone
You can contact the Leukaemia UK team by phone on +44 (0)20 8189 9878.

For media enquiries: please call us on +44 (0)20 8189 9877.

By email
If you would like to send a query by email, please fill in the enquiry form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

By post

Charity cheque fraud is sadly on the rise. This is where cheques are intercepted somewhere in the postal system before being altered and cashed into bank accounts in fraudulent names. We offer more secure ways to donate, such as on our website or over the phone on +44 (0)20 8189 9878. You can also request our bank details so you can make a direct bank transfer. If you do wish to send a cheque through the post, banks recommend using a pen with indelible ink, and that a line should be drawn through all unused spaces.

You can write to us at the following address: 26 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5BL

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


If you are enquiring about Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit our dedicated web page for further information.

News and updates

Would you like to receive our news via email? For updates on research, events, volunteering and more, sign up to our newsletter.

We handle your personal data with care. You can read more about this in our privacy policy.

Charity collection bags

Leukaemia UK does not operate a charity collection bag scheme. If you have received a charity collection bag, please check the bag for details of the charity and company operating this collection.

Share your story

Without personal stories from people affected by leukaemia, it would be impossible for us to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of the disease and fundraise for further research. We believe it’s important to give our community a place to share their experiences. From media quotes to blogs from supporters, we want to hear your story. At times there are opportunities to speak to the media about our work.

If you have a personal connection to leukaemia and would like to share your story, please email the communications team. We would love to discuss opportunities with you.

Find out more about our work

Our funded research